Kiwi Spirit Arrives in Cape Town.
It was a rough entry to Cape Town, as a gale blew from the south east and winds were consistent at some 35-40 miles per hour. There was in addition, a great deal of shipping traffic rounding the Cape, going from and to Europe or Asia. When approaching land, there is a fear of over sleeping and ending up on the rocks. I was awake for the 36 hours, given the winds, traffic and fast approaching land.

The boat is now being given the attention it needs. Sails off to the loft, boom to the spar makers and me to a hotel. The damage to the boat is even more extensive than I had thought and could be seen from the dock. But all will be taken care of as there are excellent facilities and talent here in Cape Town. All are agreed that coming to port was a wise choice. Catherine and I will be touring a wine district today and flying home this weekend. Delivery crew will bring the boat back to the USA. It’s been quite an adventure.