One Quarter of the Way!!
It’s all in the way you do the math but it is now 37 days since I set sail out of St. Augustine. Multiply 37 by 4 and you get 148 days and that I now declare is my target. Take out 12 days for the St. Augustine to Bermuda legs, (6 days each way), and I hope to make the Bermuda to Bermuda in 136 days which will break Dodges 150 day record and that of the Chinese sailor who now hold the record for fastest circumnavigator in a cruise yacht by way of China back to China of 137 days. So you see why I hope I am now one quarter of the way through this challenge. To quote/paraphrase my hero Winston Churchill, "now this is not the end, nor is it the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning." So where is Dodge Morgan at this point in time? Well as we passed by the coast of Brazil, Dodge did swing southeast while I was directed to head more south - both of us receiving advice from weather routers for our respective seasons. So we have diverged by several hundred miles. Dodge did well and in a virtually straight line, whereas I have covered more miles and with a frontal passage expected tomorrow maybe have to head further south and even a little west for a period. But by about day 40 (it’s now day 31 since Bermuda) our paths will meet on the 40th parallel south and then we shall see exactly where we are. Stay tuned.