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Bicycle Across America - Reconnaissance Complete

In late December I drove across America following the Adventure Cycling Associations well mapped Southern Tier Route – the same route come April 1st 2016 we will be riding in support of the Foundation for Physical Therapy and its excellent research and scholarship programs. The distance by car using the interstates is about 2400 miles whereas that by bicycle which does use the interstate only for about 80 miles is a total of some 3,100 miles.

Of course I had to drive the cycle route deciding where we would stop at the end of each day. Ideally since we will do the 3,000 miles in 30 days there should be a nice motel at every 100 miles – did not work out that way. Some days we will do 80 miles and others 120 miles and twice there is nothing where we stop so we shall just have to ferry riders and their bikes to a motel some 15 miles off the route.

My trip was made easier in that I bought a car. Not a new car but a nice one at that. In fact it’s only the second time I have bought a second hand car but I got a great price on a recent model DB9 – a James Bond model Aston Martin. It made the miles go a little faster.

I drove the route outlines and at times deviated from it in search of facilities. I plotted where we would stop each day, where we would place a SAG (Support And Gear) vehicle and where those joining us just for a day or a weekend or across a state would make contact with the team.

Who are we? At this point we are three riders who have elected to try to cycle the entire 3,000 miles in 30 days with 3 days rest. We welcome others. In fact we need others to make this a success. Join us or sponsor us but above all follow us and if you can contribute. The excitement builds.

For the full pdf file on this adventure go hit the following Bicycle Across America which is some 47 pages in length giving all the details.

Stanley V Paris, Event Director for BAA

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